Foot Health

Foot Health

Working Feet

A practice guide to looking after your feet at work Verrucae/Plantar Warts leaflet

Working feet’ was the theme for 2007 year’s Feet for Life Month. The booklet features foot health advice on caring for working feet including how to look out for telltale signs of problems, when to seek the help of a podiatrist and choosing the best safety shoes

Verrucae/Plantar Warts leaflet

Verrucae/Plantar Warts are warts that can be found anywhere on the foot but commonly occur on the soles of the feet

Looking out for Children’s Feet

PDF of Brochure

Maintaining and caring for a child’s feet will benefit their health, mobility and wellbeing throughout their entire lives

Ingrowing toenails leaflet

An ingrowing toenail is one that pierces the flesh of the toe

Footwear leaflet

A guide to choosing the best shoes for your feet

This guide shows you what to look for when buying shoes, the best types of shoes for particular occasions and also a word about keeping your feet healthy throughout your lifetime

Footcare for people with diabetes

Diabetes may affect your feet in a number of ways and in some cases can lead to serious complications


Blisters are painful, fluid-filled lesions, often caused by friction and pressure. The most common cause is repeated rubbing from Ill-fitting footwear and socks, and excessive moisture between the foot and the sock

A Guide to Podiatry

What is podiatry and what does a podiatrist do and how do you contact one?

A guide to heel pain

free leaflet to download

Heel pain may be caused by a number of different problems; for effective treatment you need to know the cause